Rent vs. Own Calculator
Whether you are interested in purchasing a home instead of continuing to rent because the market is right or because apartment living is not suiting you, it is important to understand the costs involved with an upgrade. Our rent vs. own calculator will help you examine your finances and compare them to determine if and what you can afford. It can also help determine what will be less expensive in the long term. If you are considering a home purchase because you believe it will save you money as opposed to your rent, this is a calculator that can help you estimate if that will be true.
Refinance Interest Savings Calculator Benefits
Because this calculator considers a number of factors, it can provide an accurate representation of what the differences between buying and renting will be. It does this by looking at particular aspects including the cost difference between monthly rent and a monthly mortgage payment, the appreciation of a house instead versus an expected increase in rent, and even maintenance cost differences between the two. The more information you can supply, the more accurate your picture will be and the closer you will be able to determine just what the right option for you is. By taking a few minutes to gather the needed information and use this rent vs. own calculator, you can easily see if that new home is worth the jump from your current rent situation.
The Experts on Home Mortgages and Loans
Equity Source Mortgage knows the mortgage and refinances market and has been serving home buyers here for well over a decade. Because of this experience and understanding, Equity Source Mortgage is uniquely equipped to provide vast information and great counsel to find the right home mortgage and loan options. We understand the importance of your home, and the importance of a mortgage that is right for your unique situation. We are passionate about providing you the straight talk to make sure you are aware of your options, and we work hard to help you make the right decision. Contact Equity Source Mortgage today, or apply online through our secure online application.